As we have already talked about in other posts like CBD for athletes, and for those not so much, CBD has many benefits for the human body that are not well known. Today we will focus on how CBD can help improve women’s health.
Forget, as the song said, about diamonds. CBD can become the best friend for the female population, whatever stage they are in. This cannabinoid helps to improve skin problems such as acne, to improve circulation and inflation of certain areas for pregnant women, or to reduce the symptoms of PCOS and menopause.
As we discussed in What do a dress, lubricants and arthritis have in common, CBD has anti-inflammatory properties. Which makes it an effective way to soothe the side effects of acne.
Acne is an inflammatory skin disorder caused by swollen sebaceous glands, and usually occurs at puberty, when the body dramatically increases its production of androgens.
But while more than 20 million teenagers suffer from acne, it is not unique to this age group. Many women suffer from premenstrual acne outbreaks caused by the release of progesterone after ovulation.
In addition, the use of oral contraceptives with a high progesterone content, or the presence of candidiasis, can also cause acne due to the hormonal changes they provoke.
Studies published by the National Center for Biotechnology of the US National Institutes of Health show that the Endocannabinoid System regulates skin cell growth and differentiation. Therefore, CBD can inhibit the production of sebum, and decrease its production. In addition to helping to reduce inflammation.
In other words, CBD, preferably in oil or cream form, can combat the swelling and unsightly redness that accompanies pimples and cystic nodules.
Menstrual pain is something that affects an important part of the population, since between four and nine out of 10 women suffer from painful menstruation. And in as many as 10%, the pain becomes so severe that it is disabling.
CBD can help bring relief during menstruation, as the anti-inflammatory and anxiolytic properties have been shown to interact with vital parts of the immune system, slowing down the electrical transmission to the muscles so they can relax.
But sometimes these severe pains are due to more than just inflammation of the ovarian area. According to data from the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics, between 5% and 10% of women of reproductive age are affected by Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS.

A study conducted by Hollinrake showed that women with PCOS are more likely to develop stress and depression. So CBD, in addition to relieving pain, could also help them reduce the likelihood of suffering from these diseases thanks to its antidepressant and anxiolytic properties.
Although pregnancy is an unforgettable experience in any woman’s life, it is also accompanied by numerous uncomfortable symptoms, such as physical fatigue, nausea, migraines, anxiety and even depression.
The endocannabinoid system is responsible for the creation of neurons and the building of fetal brain pathways, and plays an important role in the postpartum period as well.
Dr. Shayna Conna and her team, conducted several studies focused on the relationship of CBD and pregnancy. The studies concluded that hemp, when used in isolation, does not produce negative birth complications or developmental problems.
However, using flowers is not the most recommended way to consume CBD, as it may contain traces of THC or other harmful substances that could affect the fetus. Therefore, the safest way to take CBD during this period is through 100% CBD oil, or you can also apply CBD creams or oils on the areas of the body or sore muscles.
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